Winston Churchill once said "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." No one lives by that statement more than Celeste, a friend I have come to admire and respect. Celeste is one of the most generous and kind people I know. As well as her social conscience, Celeste is a tireless environmentalist. In addition to all of this, she is a wonderful and caring mother to her three children. She is a musician and has a beautiful singing voice. Celeste earns her living as - of course - a social worker. What else could someone like Celeste do but help other people in her work place just as she does in her personal life? She is always giving of herself and of her talents. She sings at her church and at many benefits and fundraisers in our city. Everything that Celeste believes in, she has taught her children by example and by doing things with them. This Christmas, she and her family have done an incredible thing, something which proves that her lessons to her children did not go unheeded. Celeste and her family did not exchange Christmas gifts this year. Instead they gathered gifts and food for a Christmas hamper and gave to those who are less fortunate! (Her children, by the way, all all under the age of thirteen. I don't know many children who would make this sacrifice). What an incredible person and what an incredible family! Thank God for people like Celeste! If we truly make a life by what we give, Celeste and her family have created a wonderful life for themselves - and for others. Knowing that the more we give, the more we receive . . . it's a good thing.
I adore Celeste and am pleased to see her getting some public recognition.