I am a “colour” person and am influenced by colours. I first became
aware this was true in one of my very first classes at university. The class was for first year students to
learn how to study. We were taught different ways in which to study, with the
idea that we should find the way that worked best for us. We were told that if we were “colour” people,
our study notes would be more effective if each topic or section was written in
different coloured ink. In order to decide if we were or were not colour
people, the instructor asked us to think how we feel about colours. Do we buy
things like notebooks and pens in certain colours because they “make us feel good”
or do we just buy these items in whatever colour we happen to grab first? Do
certain colours make us feel happy or do colours have no effect on us at all? I
knew after answering those two questions that I am a colour person. I
definitely bought notebooks, pens, pencils, pencil-cases, and rulers in colors
I enjoyed looking at. It does make me
feel good to see colours I like.
I used the “coloured ink” system for my notes and it worked very well
for me. By dividing my notes by category and giving each category a specific
colour, my brain more easily remembered what I needed to know. I found that studying for exams was easier
when things were divided by colour. I
also noticed that, without realizing it, I used colours I liked on the subjects
or sections I enjoyed and that on those I didn’t enjoy so much, I used colours
I liked less. I still find I am influenced by colour
today. Even at work, the items I use
everyday are usually in colours I like. For example, I will go out of my way to
buy a journal for work with pink cover rather than a blue or black one.
Now, I find there has recently been actual scientific research completed
to back up the “colour person” theory. A survey of 600 people was done in which
their pill-taking habits were examined. Over 75% of those studied were more
likely to take pills if they liked the colour! They also found people were less
likely to forget to take their pills if the colour pleased them. When I think
back to my own pill-taking experiences, I realize that I too am more likely to
remember to take a pill or a vitamin if I like the colour.
So, go ahead and enjoy the colours in your life. Surrounding yourself with colours that make you
happy. . . .it's a good thing!
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