
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Scientifically Happy

Did you know that scientists have found ten things that contribute to happiness?  The writers of the website PSYBLOG have researched studies done by various scientists and universities around the world and have put together a list of ten things that have been scientifically proven to make you happy.  Who knew that the study of happiness was even a science?  According to PSYBLOG, doing at least some of the ten activities each day will cause you to feel more positive and happier.  They claim that if you do this for a week, your mood will lift and you will have a brighter and happier outlook on life.  So, what are the ten activities?

1.     Exercise
Exercising helps you feel better mentally, increases your energy level and reduces tension.  It can be a simple exercise, such as walking, but do something physical every day.  You will feel better and enjoy life more.

2.     The Power of Listening to Music
Music influences our moods.  If we are sad, it can cheer us up and if we are happy, it can make us even happier.  So, listen to your favorite tunes as often as you can.

3.      Mentally subtract a positive event which has happened in your life.
How could deleting a happy event from your memory make you happier?  It works because when think what your life might be like if this good event had never occurred, you realize how fortunate you are.  How different your life might have been if you had never met your partner or a special friend or if that job had never been offered to you. Mentally subtracting a positive or good event from your life actually makes you appreciate it all the more.

4.     Send a thank you message
One of our most powerful emotions is gratitude.  You can evoke this emotion by sending a thank you to someone who has helped you, even in a small way.  One study found that practicing gratitude can increase happiness by 25%.  Another study found that by sending only three thank-you’s (whether by email, card or text) over a three week period reliably increased happiness. 

5.     Spend money -  on someone else.
Money can make you happy – but only if you spend it on someone else!  Spending on someone else makes us feel better about ourselves.  It also helps create stronger friendships and people with strong social ties are happier.

6.     Plan a event to look forward to 
The anticipation of an upcoming event is another powerful emotion.  Remember the days leading up to Christmas or your birthday as a child?  So, plan something and try to always have something to look forward to. 

7.     Make plans with friends
Even better than making plans, is making plans with friends.  You have the joy of anticipation and you are contributing to keeping the friendship strong.   People are happiest when they have a strong social circle.

8. Make a list of three good things every day
Each evening, spend a few minutes thinking about three good things that happened that day.  In one study of people suffering from depression, this practice decreased their sadness in a matter of weeks.  Even for people who are not depressed, making this list each evening adds to their happiness.

9.     Do something that you are good at
Scientists call this your “signature strength” and can be anything from social, physical or sporting skills or anything that you excel at.  Whatever it is, try to do it every day.  Being able to do something really well makes people enjoy life more.
            10.      Have a happy daydream

We all tend to daydream and we can use daydreaming to make us more joyful by remembering positive things and events in our lives.  This practice is called “life-savouring strategies” and can give us a much needed boost to go on with our days.

So, there you have it:  a list of ten things scientists say will make you happier.  It can’t hurt to try at least some of the items and who knows, it might make you happier!  Doing all the right things to be happy . . . it's a good thing!

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