
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Season For Sharing

I have never outgrown my excitement and love for Christmas.   I enjoy the frantic cleaning, baking and shopping that lead up to the holidays.  I think I am more excited when I am wrapping gifts than the people who receive the gifts are when unwrapping them.  Most of all, I love getting together with family and friends. The best Christmas gift for me is to have a house full of people I love to help me celebrate the season, especially on Christmas Day itself.  For me, there is no other time of year like this one. I can’t help but be a little sad on Christmas Day if my house is not full of people.  The aroma of food cooking and laughter ringing throughout the house and decorations and lights sparkling is what makes my Christmas special.  
I never really stopped to appreciate how fortunate I am to have that love and support until a chance conversation with a lady in my doctor’s waiting room.  We began to discuss the fact that the holidays were coming upon us very quickly and she sighed and quietly said “I used to love Christmas, now I dread it.  It’s the loneliest time of the year for me”.   She then continued to tell how her children all live far away and have busy lives of their own.  Whereas her friends normally fill in the void most of the year, they are all busy during the holidays entertaining their own families and don’t seem to have time for her.
Her comments made me more aware of the loneliness of some people at Christmas time. Sometimes we become so wrapped up in our lives that we take our good fortune for granted and we forget that others are not so fortunate.  As wonderful as this time of year is for those who enjoy the love and support of family and friends, it is that lonely for those who are alone. There are people who remember this and do their share to help everyone enjoy the season.  In our city, the Friendship Centre and the Bernice Sayese Centre both offer a holiday meal to those who otherwise might not have good food and friendship at this time of year.  At my workplace last year, one of my colleagues arranged for us to provide gifts and food for a local couple and their four children.  Many service clubs ensure that families in Prince Albert and area have food for their holiday meal and that the children have gifts to open. Some organizations or individuals make it their mission to visit those who are alone.  There is opportunity to brighten someone’s festive season everywhere, such as in our schools, senior homes and hospitals. 
There are so many people who are overwhelmed with loneliness during this time of year.  We can’t change the world and make everyone happy, but we can try to bring joy to one person or one family.  Those of us who have family and friends, a roof over our heads and good food need to remember those who don’t.   I like the concept of “adopting” a family.  It is my hope that, not only providing joy to a family in need today, the children will in turn remember the less fortunate when they are adults and will pay it forward.  In that way, this is truly a gift that “keeps on giving”. 
The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year. Remembering that the greatest gift is the gift of sharing,. .  . it’s a good thing!

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