This is a picture of my nephew, Ty sitting with his Great-Grandmother, my Mom. We didn't know it at the time, but the pictures we took of Ty that night would be the last ones we would ever take of him. Yesterday, September 28, would have been Ty's 10th birthday. He has been gone for six years. Ty was born on the anniversary of my Dad's death (Ty's great-grandfather). From the day he was born at Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto, Ty was special. When his Mom and Dad brought him home , he was fragile but determined to live. And live he did! To know Ty was to love him. Everyone who met him fell under his spell. There was something special about the little boy who fought so hard to live those first few months, and then lived so hard for the next three-and-a-half years. He became an active toddler, and fooled us all into thinking that everything was ok with him. He began pre-school and enjoyed playing with the other children, and going to school just like his big sister. Then, as suddenly as he had come into our lives, he left. I don't think any of us realized his impact until his funeral. The church was overflowing with people who came to remember him. He touched the lives and hearts of so many people. Perhaps Ty's entire reason for being here for those short three-and a half years was to remind us that there are angels and there is a heaven, and that sometimes angels come to visit us - but only stay for a short while. Although, for his family, letting him go was the most difficult thing to do, knowing that we were truly touched by an angel and we will see him again . . . it's a good thing.
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