The other day a friend was telling me about an event she was going to. When I asked her if a mutual friend was attending, she said, "Oh no, these are my career friends" (meaning they all have the same occupation). She went on to explain that our mutual friend was from a different catagory of friends. She said she also has work friends, bar friends and political friends and she rarely, if ever, "mixes and matches" the different categories of friends. I was amazed: I thought I was the only one that did that! I shouldn't have been surprised - this particular friend and I are constantly taken aback at our similarities, whether it is our upbringing, our beliefs, our likes and dislikes, and how we raise our children. While there is a dozen or so years of age difference between us, our lives are so parallel that the categorizing of friends should have been a given. I have music friends, school friends, university friends, serious tree-hugging friends, right of center friends, political friends and creative friends. I too rarely mix any of the groups together. Each group is pinholed into a certain area and I know who to call for every specific event. Some of my life-long friends don't even know each other! Some of my closest friends have never met my husband or my children, while other friends are an important part of our family circle. Maybe my friend and I are unusual in how we deal with our friends, but it works for us and I wouldn't have it any other way! Having the perfect group of friends for every different event and occasion . . . it's a good thing!
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