W. Mitchell was a former American marine and was forty-six years old when he was burned in terrible motorcycle accident. He had sixteen surgeries to more than 65% of his body. He endured skin grafts and was left without fingers. He didn't give up and fought his way back to life after each surgery. Mitchell decided he was going to live his life to the fullest. Mitchell bought a home in Colorado, some real estate, a bar and a plane. With two friends he developed a wood-burning stove company, which grew to be a very successful business.
W. Mitchell's life was good, despite his painful surgeries and the fact that he looked very different with his burn scars. Four years after the motorcycle accident, Mitchell was piloting his plan when it crashed. The crash left him paralyzed from the waist down! With his usual spirit, he worked tirelessly to regain his independence. Eventually he was elected mayor of Crested Butte, Colorado on the platform that he would stop mineral mining around Crested Butte so the town would save its natural beauty. Later he ran for Congress, using his appearance as an asset with a slogan that said "Not just another pretty face". This man with the unbelievable positive attitude began white water rafting, earned a master's degree in public administration and continued flying. He fell in love and got married. He did very well in the business world and became a millionaire. He continued to be an environmentalist and began public speaking and is in much demand. I love this quote from W. Mitchell: "Before I was paralyzed, there were 10,000 things I could do. Now there are 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1000 I lost or on the 9000 I have left." W. Mitchell has chosen to focus on the 9000. This inspirational man also said, "It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it". Choosing to live life to the fullest, no matter what happens . . . it's a good thing!
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