As my blog turns over to an unbelievable 5000 hits, I am still amazed that other people find what I write interesting. I have always enjoyed writing, but it never occurred to me until recently that I could just write for “no reason”. I loved writing essays in university and it has been my job over the years to write speeches for people I worked for and to compose advertising and newsletters. So, who or what inspired me to write just for fun? My friend Anna-Marie began a blog a couple years ago. As I read her wonderful blog, it occurred to me that I might like to start one too. I thought it over and decided I would write a blog called “Through Rose Coloured Glasses” and that it would be a very positive blog and I would write about things that would make people happy. As I wrote my blog and more people began to read it, I began to receive positive comments. I was surprised – and encouraged. I really didn’t know that I could “just write”. A few months after I began my blog, I read that a Creative Writing class was being offered at SIAST. Writing a blog gave me the confidence to sign up for the class. It was a wonderful experience. The instructor is a published author and is an exceptional teacher. She provided all her students with guidance and advice which helped us become more confident in our writing skills. As I took her class each week, I was again struck with wonder that it was ok to write just for the fun of writing. I wonder why, after all these years, this had never occurred to me? A few weeks after the creative writing class was over, I was given the opportunity to write a weekly column for one of our local papers. More than a little leery and very nervous, I accepted. I also call that column “Through Rose Coloured Glasses”. I agonize over each column – especially those first few issues. Each week, I write, delete, re-write, and change topics several times before sending in my final draft. I worried that the editor or the readers would not like the column. I was anxious to hear what people thought of it – anxious and worried. However, to my surprise, the response from readers has been incredible. I am amazed that other people read what I write! Total strangers have taken the time to e-mail me or stop me (having recognized me from the picture that accompanies my column) to tell me how much they enjoy it. I can’t believe that something I enjoy doing so much brings happiness to other people. None of this might have happened at all if Anna Marie hadn't started a blog. So, thank you Anna Marie for being my inspiration. You have no idea what you have brought into my life. Having a friend who inspires you and changes your life . . . it’s a good thing!
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