A history teacher at one of our local high schools has organized a wonderful project for his students. He divided his students into groups of three or four and gave assigned them to interview a veteran and write his or her story. The teacher then collected the stories and had them published into a book! This is the second year he has done this and it has been an amazing success. The students hear first hand the stories of the veterans and learn of the sacrifices made by them. The teacher was amazed at the bonds that were formed between the students and the veteran they interviewed. Almost every student reported to the teacher how thankful he or she has now become to the veterans who fought for Canada. For many of the students, this was the first time they have had the opportunity of meeting and speaking to veterans. Other students interviewed their grandparent and in some cases, this was the first time the grandparent had spoken about his or her experience. I have a copy of both the books the students wrote. The book is called “Peace and War – Through The Eyes Of A Student”. The stories are well-written and very touching. Many of the stories end with a personal thank you from the students to the veterans for fighting for Canada so that they, the students, would have the freedom they enjoy today. This is an amazing and passionate teacher who has instilled in his students his love of Canada and his gratitude to the many veterans who gave so much. A great teacher, enthusiastic students and a wonderful project . . . it’s a good thing!
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