I have known Alma for many years, but I did not know that she had a very special Easter story until I read it in our local newspaper. On April 8, 1954 a Canadian Air Force plane and a passenger plane crashed in mid-air above Moose Jaw. Everyone on board was killed. One women on the ground was also killed as the wreckage scattered over the city. As the news of the tragedy was reported, Alma had no idea that a card from her brother was on one of the planes and that it would eventually find its way to her. A few weeks after the crash, just before Easter, Alma received a letter. The envelope was stamped "salvaged from a TCA wreck". When she opened the envelope, Alma pulled out a card, or what was left of a card, signed by her brother. It was an Easter card which he had sent Alma several weeks before Easter and it had found its way onto the ill-fated plane. The card itself was singed around the edges and most of it was a brown colour, obviously having survived a fire. What Alma finds even more amazing is that, while part of the card is burned, the flames did not touch the picture of the cross and lilies. Every Easter, Alma is reminded of the card, which she still has, and what she considers her Easter miracle. To this day, lilies are Alma's favorite flowers and can be found in her garden each year. Sharing stories of Easter miracles . . . it's a good thing!
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