I admire positive people; people who look for happiness in every circumstance. Author Luci Swindoll is just such a person. Luci describes her life as each day being "a grand new day". I love that she is committed to "living the life out of everyday". Living the life out of everyday! Doesn't that say it all? Every day should be used up to its fullest. At the end of each day, there should be nothing left but happiness and contentment, no "what-if's" or "why-didn't I's". According to Luci, everyone can experience happiness. You just have to know how to do it! She insists that we must train ourselves to live in this moment - not in looking forward to the future or re-living past events. When asked how does one find happiness when faced with disappointment or heartache, Luci Swindoll's response is "Pleasure lies in the heart, not in the happenstance - that is the art of savoring life" I have never thought of happiness as being an art that one can learn, or that one could savour life. It occurs to me that even the thought that life is to be savoured gives it a whole new feel, a new meaning, and, as such, happiness becomes something that can be attained by everyone. Being taught that happiness is an art and that life is to be savoured . . . it's a good thing!
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