I love Halloween! When my boys were little, I was just an anxious as they were to head out for trick-or-treating. I think that is because when I was a child, my parents never took us out trick-or-treating. How I envied my friends who would have the opportunity of being driven into town and would come home with a pillow case full of candy. When I became a little older, I always made sure I stayed at a friend's house that night and I would tag along with her family and get my share of treats. In the past, I have decorated my yard with white ghosts made out of sheets. I would then position a blue light to shine on them. How spooky they looked when there was a breeze swaying them back and forth. One year, I created several "spooky people" standing on our front lawn, including Freddy Kruger, a vampire and a witch. The next morning, Freddy's clothes were gone! I guess someone needed a last minute Halloween costume. Another year, I created a witch sitting on a chair on our front deck. My nephew was quite terrified of her. I decided to remove my witch's mask to show him that her face was created by placing a milk jug upside down into her shirt. However, ripping her face off did not have the desired effect on my nephew! I think he still has nightmares about it! I enjoy opening my door to excited little faces in cute costumes, with proud parents standing guard a few feet away, and placing treats in each bag. Enjoying Halloween . . . it's a good thing!
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