A few days ago, I required a band-aid for my finger. As I opened the new box of band-aids, I noticed some writing in tiny print just below the flap. I paused for a moment to read it, and before I knew it, I was smiling. The line said "You're going to be just fine". It always amazes me when an advertising firm comes up with a perfect slogan or saying. What could be more perfect than "You're going to be just fine" on a box of band-aids? It appeals to the child in each of us as that particular line has been repeated over and over by generations of mothers comforting their children. I think that is what makes it so perfect. It instantly transports you back in time to the safety of a parent's embrace as a band-aid is put into place over your latest wound. It reaches to the very core of safety and protection through the eyes of a child. Well done, Johnson and Johnson! Knowing that you're going to be just fine . . . it's a good thing!
Sometimes the world can be a downer! With instant images of tragedies and disasters – natural and man-made – assaulting us at rapid speed, it feels like we are surrounded by negativity. I strive to make my blog a positive and happy place to visit – a place to get away from the bad stuff that is happening. My goal from June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011 was to find one positive thing each week day to write about for one year.
That was the birth of my blog – one year of “good things” as seen “Through Rose Coloured Glasses”. Sometimes I had to dig deep to find happiness on a gloomy day. Some days were not happy, but I was always able to find a positive to talk about. Sometimes, I had to fit writing my blog into the end of a very busy day or the early morning prior to a busy day. Other times I had such good days I had to pick and choose which one good thing I should write about. Somehow I managed to do it, and I think I proved that you can “fool” yourself into being happy just by pretending you are. The year flew by. I will continue to write in my blog, but not every day. I hope that together we can continue to watch the world through rose coloured glasses. - Rose
That is cute, I will have to see if all the boxes have the same slogan!