Last Saturday, I returned to my hometown to attend a fund-raiser. The fund-raiser was for a woman in the community who has suffered with MS for many years. In recent years, Linda's MS has progressed very quickly. The community came together to raise money to send Linda to Mexico where she would be able to receive the new experimental Liberation Treatment. As the hall filled with more and more people. Linda and her family were overwhelmed with the generosity and the good wishes. A person who had moved away many years ago but still has ties with our community went to the mike. She said that, as we all knew, she also has MS and she had just returned from Mexico two weeks ago after undergoing the Liberation Treatment. She spoke of how much better she felt and how much better her body was working. Her most touching point was to tell Linda how fortunate she was to have such support from her community. The love of friends and family is a huge factor in the success of any medical procedure and she had no doubt that Linda would come through with flying colors, based on the number of people at the fund-raiser. This small community of some six-hundred people raised over $13,000 for Linda! Knowing that Linda takes with her the hopes, the best wishes, the love and the support of her entire community . . . it's a good thing!
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