
Monday, January 16, 2012

Cold But Happy In Saskatchewan

As I am writing this blog, it is snowing out and the temperature is steadily dropping. It appears that the winter we have been dreading has finally arrived. We all had no problem getting used to the mild winter we had been experiencing until now. However, now that it has returned with colder temperatures, we are all reminded why so many of us book trips to warmer climates for a week or two (or more) every year.
I am quite certain I would be perfectly happy living in a climate which has no snow and warm weather all year around. People comment that I would miss the snow and the change of seasons. I don't think I would. Others have also commented that I wouldn't enjoy Christmas without snow. I don't believe that to be true either. I recall one December several years ago in which we had no snow until December 31. I loved that "black" Christmas! There was no need for boots so there was no twenty-minute struggle with my children to get boots on over snow-pants - just a couple shoes to lace and away they went! It was wonderful. I admit the world is beautiful after a snowfall when all you see is pristine snow and shiny white yards. Some of the best times with our kids, their friends and cousins were spent sledding at Reimer’s Hill on crisp, sunny winter days or at night when there was a full moon. We would build a huge fire at the top of the hill, so no one was ever cold. Still, I think I could easily replace that with swimming outdoors in January and long walks on sandy beaches. Yes, I could certainly see myself living on a street lined with palm trees in a hot climate.
However, as I was out walking on the snowy Rotary Trail yesterday, it struck me there is something I would miss: I would miss the sound of snow crunching when you walk on it. I have always loved that sound and I have always been aware of how much I love it. I remember as a child listening to my boots crunching on fresh snow in the quiet of the morning as I walked up our lane to catch the school bus. Upon reflection, I guess I would miss the snow after all or at least some things about life with snow. No matter where you live, you can always find something to enjoy and a reason to love where you live. What do you enjoy most about winter? Even in stormy weather and minus thirty temperatures, there are plenty of good reasons to love living through our Saskatchewan winters. Every once in a while, we just have to remind ourselves of those reasons. Being cold - but - happy . . . it's a good thing!

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