
Friday, May 11, 2012

Having Fun Because It's Important

Dr. E. Christine Moll is a professor of counseling and human services at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York.  More importantly, she is a leisure expert and has released a study which proves it is “extremely” important to have fun!  Baby boomers especially are known for leading an “all-work and no-play” life style, and Dr. Moll says that everyone, including baby boomers, have to take some time off for leisure.  According to her, nothing is more important for our well-being, our health and our minds.  She says fun and leisure is just as important as keeping proper cholesterol levels and getting exercise.  When was the last time you did something just for fun?  Dr. Moll’s definition of leisure is anything that brings you personal joy and allows you to “refresh” your batteries.  She says “For our physical, mental, spiritual and cognitive health, leisure is a necessity, not a luxury. It airs out your brain and renews your spirit”.

            Moll’s study shows that people who take time to include leisure activities in their lives have fewer issues with stress and have a better outlook on life in every way: physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.  During down-time, we give our bodies and minds a break.  Physical reactions to relaxation include endorphins being released, and heart rate and blood pressure changing.  As Dr. Moll tells her students, “We can’t give what we don’t have.”  We can’t give to our loved ones, to our friends or to our colleagues unless we first take time for ourselves.  If you experience difficulty finding time for leisure, schedule it into your calendar.  That is how important it is!  How do you know if leisure is lacking in your life (besides the tell-tale signs of tense muscles and nagging headaches)?  Ask yourself these questions:

-        Is your daily routine boring?  Has everything become too routine?

-        Do you have to stop to think about what you like to do for fun?

-        Do you remember when you last took time for yourself? 

Having fun and relaxation can be anything from reading a book, going for a walk or enjoying time with your family.  It can involve sports, as long as the ultimate goal is not to win but playing for fun.  In choosing your activity, consider the following “leisure check list”: 

-        YOU choose your activity, no one else can decide what you should do for fun

-        Your choice must something you enjoy and can commit to

-        It must capture your interest

-        It enables you to “escape” from daily issues and enjoy yourself

So, go ahead and have fun, you will be healthier for it.  Having fun because it is extremely important. . . it's a good thing!

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