
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vote Today!

Today is civic election day.  Make sure you cast your vote!  Our right to take part in a democratic election should not be taken lightly.  This is your opportunity to have a say in the way our city is run and managed.   If you are satisfied with the decisions of this Mayor and council, then get out and vote to keep them in power.  If you are not happy with the way things are being dealt with at the civic level, go to the polls and help elect new people into these positions.  As well, the Catholic School board and Saskatchewan Rivers School board elections take place at the same time.  Again, make your views known by casting a ballot.

            If you decide not to take the time to vote today, listen to the news and see what has happened around the world over the past couple years.  In the Middle East, South America and Africa, people have protested, demonstrated and have even been killed in their quest to gain the freedoms we take for granted.  They have put their lives on the line for the right to vote and the right to live in a democracy.  We have an influx of immigrants who have arrived in Prince Albert over the past few years.  If you have a chance to speak to new Canadians, ask them how they feel about their newly-found right to vote.  They will all tell you, some with tears in their eyes, how fortunate we are to live in a democracy where we choose our leaders and what a wonderful gift we have in the ability to vote for a federal, provincial and civic government every four years.  Most will also tell you they cannot believe how we take this freedom for granted. Rest assured they will be voting - they know far too well what it means to not have the opportunity to vote

            So, take a few minutes and exercise your right – and freedom – to mark your ballot.   Show your pride in living in a democracy by taking part in deciding who our leaders will be.        

During the last federal election, there was a movement called “Rock The Vote”.  It encouraged people, especially young people, to go out and vote.  Today, let’s Rock The Vote in Prince Albert and surrounding area.  Let’s increase the voter turn-out, which has been so low in recent civic elections.  This is your chance to make a decision that will affect our city and how it is run.  Having a say in who runs your city . . . it's a good thing!

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