
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Seven Thngs Happy People Do Often

Happiness: everyone is in pursuit of it, yet it is the one thing that eludes so many. There is good news and bad news on the search for happiness. According to an article written by Jeff Haden, fifty percent of your level of happiness, or your ”happiness set-point” as he calls it, is largely hereditary and is therefore out of your control. However, the good news is that fifty percent is within your control and there are things you can to make yourself happier. In fact, Haden lists seven things in particular you can do to improve your level of happiness.
1.     Make good friends.

 A lot of people concentrate on making friends at work and that makes sense. These are people you see every day, you have your workplace and careers in common and you can help one another accomplish your goals. However, you also need to make real friends, away from your work place. In fact, studies have shown that the more friends you have, the happier you are.

2.     Actively express thankfulness
Study after study has shown that being grateful and expressing gratitude contribute to happiness. This expression of gratitude can be done anywhere and everywhere: at your place of employment, in your relationships at home, and with your friends. Another way to express thankfulness, and reap the happiness benefits of doing so, is to simply write down a few things you are grateful for each evening. Being aware of the things you are grateful for increases your level of happiness.

 3.     Actively pursue your goals.

In his book “100 Simple Secrets of the Best Half of Life”, David Niven says that people who could identify a goal they were pursuing were more likely to feel satisfied with their lives and more likely to feel positive about themselves. So, be grateful for what you already have, but try to achieve more. As you edge closer to your goal, compare where you are now with where you were a few days ago, and be grateful for the advancement.

4.     Do what you excel at and do it often

It only makes sense that the more you enjoy what you are doing, the happier you will be. Shawn Anchor, in his book “The Happiness Advantage”, says that when volunteers did something they were very good at and did it every day for a week, they became happier. Of course, we can’t all do the things we love to do all the time and ignore the rest.  We can, however, change things so we do less of what we don’t like and more of what we do like. Find ways to do things you love more often and you will be happier.

5.     Give

I know I’ve written about this before, but giving is one of the best ways to find happiness and contentment for yourself. Giving is more beneficial for the person who is giving than for the person who is receiving. This act is something you control and because of that, it is one way in which you can control – and increase - your level of happiness.

6.     Don’t chase possessions, chase experiences

Possessions are only “things” and only provide bursts of happiness which do not last for long. You will be much happier chasing experiences instead such new locations to visit, new concerts to listen to, or meeting new people. Those experiences will bring you joy every time you think about them and will never become “old” such as a house or a car or even clothes will.

7.     Live the life you want to live

People who work in palliative care often say that the most common regret expressed by patients is that they did not have the courage to live the life they wanted. Instead, they lived the life people expected of them. So, as much as possible, live the life you want and live it your way. Making choices that are right for you will make you happier.

Doing these seven things won’t make all your problems go away nor will they create only sunny skies in your world.  They will however increase your level of happiness.  So give them a try and see what happens. Doing what you can to be the happiest you can be . . . it's a good thing!

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