Where else but in Saskatchewan can November bring temperatures of -20 or +14? The beauty of living in a part of the world where -20 is common for several months each year, is how much we appreciate an unexpected 14 degree day in one of our normally cold months. I am one of the first people to complain about cold weather, and go on about how much I hate snow, and question why I stay here in the first place. But without that cold, miserable weather, how would we appreciate the nice days? Just think, if you lived in California or Florida, you would not truly appreciate the great weather because that would be the norm. Here in Saskatchewan, we are so grateful for beautiful days because we know it can be so much worse. While I would enjoy a nice mild winter, I know I will appreciate those days so much more if they follow a week or two of -30 weather! Loving where you live, even during the cold days, because you know they help you appreciate the nice days . . . it's a good thing!
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