Have you ever noticed how some words sound like they should mean something other than what they actually mean? For example: Yemen. It is the name of a country, but doesn't "yemen" sound like it should be an expression of excellence, as in "That song is totally yemen!"? Another example is the name of former U.S. Secretary of State Condalisa Rice. Now tell me, doesn't that name sound like a swear? Imagine it: you accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer and you yell out "CON-DA LE-E-E-SA RICE!!!" And what about Israel's Benjamin Nentanyahu? Doesn't "Nentanyahu" sound like a medical term for plugged sinuses? I can hear my doctor telling me to "take this prescription until it is finished and your sinuses should feel better. And don't worry - Nentanyahu is not contagious". Another misguided word is ramekin. A ramekin is a small dish, but really sounds like it should be something an Egyptian soldier would wear into battle. A wife runs after her husband who is leaving to fight the enemy and she yells to him "Akhem, don't forgot to wear your ramekin - it could save your life". And why is Corsica the name of a country when it clearly should be the name of a dance? C'mon, everybody, grab a partner and let's Corsica! Words which are too much fun to be taken seriously . . . it's a good thing!
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