I was so happy when I finally got my bird feeders up after we had moved into this house. I loved to watch the birds feeding and flying around in my back yard. One day, last summer, I heard a "cooing noise" coming through my kitchen window. I looked out my window and couldn't believe what I was seeing: pigeons! Pigeons were on the lawn under the bird feeders, eating spilled bird seed. I don't like pigeons! I didn't set up bird feeders or spend money on bird seed to feed pigeons! I wondered if this meant that I would have to quit feeding birds in my back yard. "Of course not," my step-dad declared "Get an owl statue, set it up by the bird feeders and your pigeons will be gone". Several other self-declared experts told me this would work. So, I got not one, but two owls. I set one up at the top of the post to which my bird feeders are attached, and the other on the ground. I filled the feeders with seed and began to observe from my kitchen window. Two days later, I said to my husband "This really works. It's been two days and I haven't seen one pigeon". Well, obviously, the pigeons were doing some observing of their own, and what they observed is that the owls had not moved in two days. Soon, I was hearing cooing in my back yard again. They were back. I decided pigeons need to eat too, and maybe this was God's way of telling me to feed his pigeons. Welcoming all birds to my bird feeders, even the pigeons . . . it's a good thing!
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