Someone asked me recently if I had a favorite toy in my childhood. I listed off a couple things, and it was only a couple days later that I remembered how much I loved my "jumping horse". My brother and I each got one for Christmas one year. How I loved riding that horse! I was a rather "busy" child and riding on this horse was a great way to use up energy. And that I did! I would jump on it so hard that it would move and I would "ride" my horse all over the house. I remember spending hours on it. I would give my baby sister rides. I had only had one disappointment involving that horse: I had overheard my mother tell one of my older brothers that there was "some of grandpa's money in the horse". Of course, I thought she meant that literally. I didn't know that she meant he had put some money toward buying it. When I finally rode the horse so hard that I made a hole in it, I was so disappointed when I couldn't find any money in it! When my own children were born, I bought them a horse too, thinking they would love it as much as I had. But they were already of the video game generation and they just didn't get the same enjoyment out of it. Remembering a much-loved toy . . . it's a good thing!
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