Last night was an interesting night – to say the least. This election will go down as the one most difficult to predict. Four weeks ago, the thought was that the NDP would lose some of their seats, and that either the Liberals or the Conservatives would form a minority government. What a different a few weeks can make! As amazing as last night was as the results began to come in, the next few weeks and the next four years will be very interesting. Canada has never had such a fervent right-wing majority government or such an ardent left-wing official opposition. These ideologies will no doubt clash in Parliament. Can two parties so far apart in philosophical beliefs find common ground on any issue? Would we even want them to? Perhaps Canadians want the politicians who are representing them to stand firmly on their dogma and tow party lines. Possibly, voters were determined to send politicians to Ottawa who were firmly committed to the beliefs of the party they represent and that may be why the Liberals were so decimated. It just might be that there was no room for centrist politicians in yesterday’s election nor will there be in our new political landscape. This is new territory for us all. The next four years will be interesting, indeed. Keeping an eye on our politicians in Ottawa . . . it's a good thing.
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