Well, believe it or not, it has been a year since I started my blog! On June 1, 2010 I promised to write about something happy every week day for one year. Sometimes I had to dig deep to find happiness on a gloomy day. Some days were not happy, but I was always able to find a positive to talk about. Sometimes, I had to fit writing my blog into the end of a very busy day or the early morning prior to a busy day. Somehow I managed to do it, and I think I proved that you can “fool” yourself into being happy just by pretending you are. Along the way, I received many comments and I appreciated each and every one. I am amazed that I have had over six thousand views on my blog! When I check the stats, I find it incredible that people from all over the world have been reading my blog.
I will continue to write in my blog, but not every day. I will try to update it often, and I will continue to find positive things to write about. For those of you in the Prince Albert area, I now have a weekly column in the PA Shopper called (of course) “Through Rose Coloured Glasses”. If you are not in the Prince Albert area, you can access weekly editions of the Shopper at http://princealbertshopper.com. Between my blog and my column, I hope to continue to provide positive and happy thoughts and hopefully create an alternative to the bad news we seem to hear daily.
Looking at life through rose coloured glasses. . . it's a good thing!
I will continue to write in my blog, but not every day. I will try to update it often, and I will continue to find positive things to write about. For those of you in the Prince Albert area, I now have a weekly column in the PA Shopper called (of course) “Through Rose Coloured Glasses”. If you are not in the Prince Albert area, you can access weekly editions of the Shopper at http://princealbertshopper.com. Between my blog and my column, I hope to continue to provide positive and happy thoughts and hopefully create an alternative to the bad news we seem to hear daily.
Looking at life through rose coloured glasses. . . it's a good thing!
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