It rained today. I know some people become depressed when it rains. I don't. I love how clean everything is and how green the grass and trees are after a rain. But more than anything, I love the first rain of the spring - the first one after all the snow is melted. There is a layer of dull dust and dirt on everything after the snow is gone. The newly exposed grass is yellow. The whole world looks gloomy and grimy. Then the rain comes and everything changes. The dust is washed away, the streets are clean, the sidewalks are shiny and the grass is beginning to turn green. The air is fresh. Just like Gene Kelly, pictured here, who is "Singin' In The Rain", I welcome the downpour as it washes away the final remains of winter. Tomorrow, after the rain is over, a new clean, green world will emerge. When the sun comes up, it will shine on clean city streets, renewed trees, growing grass and happy people. Enjoying the cleansing rains of spring . . . it's a good thing!
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