Two weeks ago, millions of people watched the Royal Wedding. Those same millions of people also laughed (or recoiled in horror) at the hat Princess Beatrice was wearing. It was designed by Britain's leading milliner, Philip Treacy. He designed many of the hats worn to the royal wedding, but none drew the ridicule that Beatrice's hat did. In fact, he defended the hats, saying he thought Beatrice looked gorgeous at the wedding. While the public dislike for her hat could have been a devastating event in Beatrice's life, it has now become a positive because of a very clever decision on her part. She has taken the notoriety of the hat and created an opportunity to raise funds for UNICEF and Children In Crisis. The hat will go up for sale on eBay soon and it is expected to raise a great deal of money for the charities. Good for Princess Beatrice who obviously believes that when the world hands you a lemon, you make lemonade! Taking a negative and turning it into a positive . . . it's a good thing!
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