If you think you are not going to bother voting today, turn your tv on and have a good hard look at what is happening around the world. In the Middle East, South America and Africa, people are protesting, demonstrating and being killed in their quest for the freedoms we take for granted. They are literally having to put their lives on the line for the right to vote and the right to live in a democracy. People are tortured and imprisoned by dictators who will do whatever they can to ensure that democracy will not exist in their country. If you have the chance, speak to immigrants who have recently become Canadians. If they will talk about it, ask them to tell you what the horrific experiences they suffered under dictatorships. Ask them how they feel about their newly-found right to vote. They will all tell you, some with tears in their eyes, how fortunate we are to live in a democracy where we can choose our leaders and what a wonderful thing it is to be able to vote for your government every four years. They will also tell you they cannot believe how we take our freedom for granted. Don't for a moment think that they will not be voting - they know far too well what it means to not have the opportunity to vote. So, take a few moments today and exercise your right - and freedom - to vote. Show the world that Canadians are proud to live in a democracy and we all take an active part in deciding who our leaders will be. Rocking the vote . . . it's a good thing!
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