
Monday, August 29, 2011

Staying Alive By Being Generous

I recently came across a book called “Why Good Things Happen To Good People” by Jill Neimark and Dr. Stephen Post. Neimark is a science journalist, novelist and poet. Post is a bioethicist. They wrote the book together because they believe that giving is a good for you! Post and Neimark claim that giving protects your physical and mental well-being. Their theory is that while you can’t change the things that happen to you or the unkindness of others, you can create your own happiness and take care of your health through acts of generosity. What a concept!

The authors claim that you can have a longer, happier and healthier life simply by becoming more generous. Scientific research is showing that when we give of ourselves, everything in our lives change for the better. Life satisfaction and physical health is significantly affected. You are less likely to suffer from depression. It appears that mortality is delayed. There is an increase in well-being and good fortune. This is especially true if generosity is practiced at a young age.

How interesting that there is now a science of love and giving. In their book, Neimark and Post offer real-life stories to show how giving leads to health, happiness and a longer life. The incredible research includes a fifty-year study which shows that people who were generous and giving during their high school years have better physical and mental health throughout their entire lives. Other studies have shown that people who give live longer than those who don’t. There is an undeniable connection between generosity and good health. The research provides us all with the inspiration to change our lives, even in a small way.

Together, the authors interviewed dozens of people who had suffered unimaginable fates including paraplegics, Holocaust survivors, and people who had had horrific childhoods. Those survivors who found a way to help others overcame their hardships, and lived happier, more fulfilling lives than survivors who were not as generous. After interviewing people who had rebuilt their own lives by giving to others, Neimark and Post are more convinced than ever that we can make our own happiness and the best way to do so is by being generous to others. Being happy by giving to others, even if life has dealt you a difficult blow, is now a researched, scientific fact. You receive so much in return by being kind and generous to those who need it. Generosity as a cure-all. . . it's a good thing!

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