
Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Things - Big Impact

The other day, I stopped in at a Tim Horton's and went to the drive-through to grab a coffee and continue on with my day. I was, as usual, in a hurry, so I wasn't paying attention to what a beautiful day it was. The voice in the intercom asked me what I wanted, I told him and continued on to the window, still thinking about all I had to do that day. I had the right change ready, barely made eye contact with the server and continued on. As I drove to the Horton's exit, I checked for on-coming traffic. In doing so, I happened to glance down at the cup of coffee I had just picked up. There on the lid, just above the "B" for black coffee, the server had drawn a happy face! I smiled when I saw it. Suddenly, in that instant, I noticed that the sun was shining and that it was a lovely day. That smiley face stopped me for an moment, long enough for me to appreciate the great day, and to slow down a little. The busy day ahead of me suddenly did not seem so daunting. I showed my lid to a lot of people that day, and without fail, they all smiled when they saw it. I wonder if that server knows how his simple act brightened my day and, in a chain-reaction, allowed me to brighten the day for others by showing them the happy face he had drawn on my cup. People anonymously doing little things that have a big impact on others . . . it's a good thing!

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