
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Elin Nordegren

The next issue of People Magazine will feature a story about Elin Nordegren (Tiger Woods' ex-wife - "ex" as of this week). Elin contacted People magazine because she wanted to tell her story. She is receiving no money from the magazine. She felt very strongly that she wanted the world to know that, contrary to rumours and stories reported by the press, she did not hit her husband with a golf club. She tells how there was never any violence in her home, even when her whole was torn apart after discovering his infidelities. Good for Elin! We need confident and strong women like her as role models for our young women. It seems that in the world of the rich and famous, women put up with abuse and cheating, and our young women are watching and learning from them. She says that when she realized that Tiger had crashed his vehicle, she did everything she could to get into the locked vehicle to help him. Even through her despair and anger, she did not want anyone to be physically hurt. As well as telling women that violence is never right, she is also setting a good example by simply leaving the man who cheated on her almost throughout their entire married life, and leaving him immediately after she found out about it. She is sending out a strong message that women deserve better. A powerful and beautiful woman who is strong enough to set a good example to women everywhere . . . it's a good thing!

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