
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Through The Years With A Friend

M is my niece and one of my best friends. She is a year younger than I am, so we grew up together and have been friends almost since the day we were born. Both of us have reached a stage in our lives where we find ourselves taking care of a parent. The other day, we were discussing this very milestone, comparing notes and swapping war stories. It is never easy when the parental roles switch, and it is good to have someone to talk to who is going through some of the same things. As I reflected on our conversation later that day, my mind began to go back in time and to remember the many milestones M and I have gone through together. Just as we were discussing helping a parent, not so long ago we were discussing the raising of our children - comparing notes, exchanging ideas and babysitting for each other. Then I began to think even further back, beyond elderly parents and children, there was a time when we had very serious discussions about men (I guess they were really boys when I look back, but they were men to us). Again, we swapped ideas and opinions on what it was that made men tick. Going back even further, M and I shared childhood conversations about how strict and how unfair our parents were. We each loved our Mom and Dad, but they just wouldn't let us do everything that we wanted to, and we just didn't understand that! Through my entire life, she has been a constant. As well as being friends, we are family, so we share that strong circle as well. She was my BFF before anyone even knew what that was. Looking down the road, years from now, I can see us discussing nursing homes, comparing notes and sharing stories about our grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Having a life-long friend who "gets" you . . . . it's a good thing

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