
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Random Compliments

I read a in blog yesterday how one of the author's favorite things is "random compliments". Random compliments - what a concept! It got me to thinking about what a random compliment might be. It could be totally unexpected words of praise from someone you know or an unexpected compliment from a total stranger. We've all had compliments from friends and families and, of course, we appreciate those words. However, when a total stranger tells you something nice about yourself, it is so unexpected that it almost shocks you. After you get over the shock, you feel good about yourself and you can't help but smile as you go about your day. As I reflected on the blog, I realized that I've run into a couple incidents of "random compliments" lately. One was when I was buying bird seed at a grocery store. The women behind me seemed quite flustered and not very nice. Suddenly she asked me what I did with the bird seed. I told her I put it in the bird feeders in my back yard. She then asked me how long the bag of seeds would last, as she eyed the fairly large bag I was purchasing. I told her that it usually lasts about a week. She was silent for a few seconds, and I thought the conversation was over and that she likely thought I was wasting my money feeding birds. Then she looked at me and said "That's really nice of you to do"! I was so surprised that I couldn't even answer her. A random compliment on a very ordinary thing made buying bird seed extra-ordinary, and put me in a happy frame of mind for the rest of that day. The other incident was when I was going through drive-through. The person at the window, handed me my coffee and as I gave her my money, she said "I love your nails! Whoever does them does a really good job". It was such a simple thing, but I really appreciated the compliment. I have decided that I will hand our random compliments at every opportunity in the hope that it will make someone else's day a little brighter. Giving a random compliment and putting a smile on someone's face . . . it's a good thing!

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