
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stealing In The Shower

When as an overnight guest using your host's shower, why is it so tempting to use their shampoo and cleanser? Even if you bring your own supplies, do you not find yourself "sneaking" a dap of their stuff? Why is that? Is it because you are in the one place where you know you will never be caught and so you manage to work up the courage to steal some suds? After all, unlike our parents with their liquor bottles during our teen-age years, our host does not mark the shampoo level on every bottle. Or is it because this is an opportunity to sample new and different products without having to buy the whole bottle? What if your "sampling" leads to your purchasing that product - should the manufacturer give your host a royality? What if you experience an allergic reaction to one of the products - how do you explain to your host that you have developed a reaction to your own shampoo? If you really like the product, is it proper etiquette to tell your host that you liked it? When it comes right down to it, would any host truly mind if you sample the bottles in the shower? Being a good guest and not sampling the bottles in the shower . . . it's a good thing!


  1. Eeeek! Totally guilty. The first time I ever met NPE's best friend (and now my best friend) we all had to share a hotel room in Toronto. I *borrowed* some of her fancy LUSH bodywash and I was in looove. But I didn't want to ask her to buy me some because then she would know I used it!
    Also, every time I stayed at my moms I would *borrow* her fancy hair products. And why not! She had the BEST stuff!!

  2. Out of all my friends who read this blog, I should have known you'd be the one to share this obsession! Now neither one of us can stay at your Mom's new place because she's will be marking the levels of all her wonderful shower products!
